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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Why do people of Singapore are anger over an Advertisement?

An advertisement on television and social media sparked anger among Singaporeans. The advertisement is about cashless transactions. The ad has nothing wrong except the characters in the ad. The Chinese origin actor was dark skinned to portray a certain race, the same actor is head-scarfed to portray different Malay lady.

Singapore Anger Over Advertisement

Singapore is a multi-ethnic Singapore and Race is a sensitive subject here. It sparkled an apology from the country's broadcaster. Actor Dennis Chew was one of the character in the Government initiated campaign for cashless transactions. His skin was dark coloured to show him as an Indian Man. A Malay woman wearing a headscarf. Each character was shown holding a plate of food paid electronically.
"Brownface in a Singaporean ad in 2019. I thought we already went over this," magazine editor Ruby Thiagarajan said on Twitter.
Mediacorp, apologised "for any hurt that was unintentionally caused" and also added further "The message behind this advertising campaign is that e-payment is for everyone".
The broadcaster of this advertisement has not yet clarified the has been removed from broadcasting.
The root reason behind this anger is the ad makers hired only one actor from the country main ethnic group rather than getting other performers to play other roles.
While the anger has been floating around, there are tweets about there is nothing wrong playing an actor different roles.