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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in "Man vs Wild" with Bear Grylls

"Man vs Wild" by Bear Grylls a popular show on Discovery Channel. Bear grylls guides how to survive in worst scenario in the wild. He himself, eats insects, snakes and dead animals while filming of the episodes as an example of survival tactics in the wilderness.

Bear Grills Narendra Modi Man vs wild

Apart from life saving tactics, his series also popular for pulling in top celebrities across the world. Stephen Fry, Will Ferell, Kate Winslet, Channing Tatum, Kate Hudson are the names participated in this adventurous series. The United States former President Barack Obama was also one of the top celebrity. World witnessed the president himself learned ways to survive in life challenging scenarios.
But apart from all these records, Man vs wild is in news for a different reason. Honourable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modiji has been with Bear Grylls to shoot one episode. In the recently launched trailer on television by Discovery he has been seen chatting with Bear Grylls and learning tricks to survive in the dense forest.
While whole world eagerly waiting to watch the episode yet to be telecast on Discovery channel on August 12, 2019, opposition has geared up with claim that prime minister was busy with the shooting for the episode of Man vs wild during pulwama attack.
Congress leaders have demanded the broadcasters to mention the date of shoot of the episode.
Bear Gryls tweeted "Grylls tweeted, "Biggest announcement of the year coming tomorrow morning...we get to take one of the world's most powerful leaders into the wild...".
Narendra Modi Bear Grylls Man vs Wild
In a trailer released on Monday, PM Modi can be seen sitting in an inflatable dinghy pushed into the wading waters of the river inside Jim Corbett national park and understanding the jungle hunting techniques.
In a statement released by Discovery, PM Modi said, "For years, I have lived among nature, in the mountains and the forests. These years have a lasting impact on my life. So when I was asked about a special programme focussing on life beyond politics and that too in the midst of nature I was both intrigued and inclined to take part in it."
This episode is going to grab full attentions from Indians around the world.